Nutricia is a part of the Danone group that specialises in therapeutic food and clinical nutrition. Products range from infant formula to specialised nutrition for babies with specific needs and for breastfeeding mothers. It also produces and markets special clinical nutrition and diet products.

Available Products
Product List
Aptamil-1 Tin Tin
Aptamil- 2 Tin
Aptamil Refil 400 mg
Dexolac 1 RF
Dexolac 1 RF 400 gm 200 gm
Dexolac 1 Tin 400 gm
Dexolac 2 RF 500 mg
Farex 1 Infant Formula RF RF
Farex 1 Infant Formula Tin Tin
Farex 2 Follow UP 400 gm
Farex FF Rice 300 gm RF
Farex Multicereals Mixed Fruit
Farex Rice 300 gm RF
First Food Rice
First Food Wheat
Nusobee Casein 1
Nusobee Casein
Protinex Junior 400 gm
Protinex Mama Choclate Tin
Protinex Diabetes 250 gm
Protinex Mama Vanilla 250 gm
Protinex Orginal 250 gm
Protinex Tasty Choclate 250 gm
Protinex Tasty Choclate 400 gm
Protinex Vanilla 250 gm